Sanja Mancheva
St.â€Kliment Ohridski†University of Bitola, Macedonia
Title: DASH-diet in hypertension and obesity prevention
Biography: Sanja Mancheva
Arterial hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in arteries is elevated. What you choose to eat affects your chances of developing high blood pressure. Recent studies show that blood pressure can be lowered by following the Diatery Approaches to Stop Hypertension DASH-eating plan and by eating less salt also called sodium. In an attempt to explore the benefits of a reduced level of salt intake I have made a research. In the research I have conducted in my Office 62 patients at the age of 24-65 were included, out of which 39 have already had high blood pressure values of 85-100 mmHg for the diastolic and 130-160 mmHg for the systolic blood pressure. The patients were divided into two groups, one of which was put on diet by DASH-diet, and the patients of the other one were advised to continue to be on the usual diet. Each group has been divided into subgroups according to the quantity of salt which they have been taking on a daily basis. The different levels of salt were 3300mg, that is, the quantity that is usually taken on a daily basis and 2300 mg. i.e. medium reduced level of salt intake. The control of the blood pressure was carried out in the Office three days a week for a period of 45 days. Results showed that reducing dietary sodium lowered blood pressure for both eating plans, but true winnig combination was DASH eating plan and lower intake of salt or sodium.