Ana Rodrigues Costa
University of Évora, Portugal
Title: How saliva can be useful in weigh management programs.
Biography: Ana Rodrigues Costa
Saliva contains cells and compounds, of local and non-local oral origin, namely inorganic, organic non-protein, protein/ polypeptide, and lipid molecules. This body fluid offers a non-invasive and stress-free alternative to serum, which can reflect real-time levels of biomarkers. In the last few years, steroids and non-steroid hormones have been investigated in saliva, providing particularly useful biomarkers for physical exercise behavior or psychosocial stress evaluation (e.g. cortisol, testosterone, leptin). In recent years, the attention turned also to the non-hormonal protein components of saliva. Salivary ï¡-amylase is one of the major protein components of saliva and its main function is the enzymatic digestion of carbohydrates, but it is also important for mucosal immunity in the oral cavity, as it inhibits the adherence and growth of bacteria. This enzyme is considered a marker for SNS activity and for metabolic energy balance, sensitive to physical exercise and stress. In this context, its activity/expression in overweight and obesity is of interest. Saliva proteome is being analyzed by 2DE in several physiological/pathologic situations in order to identify potential biomarkers. Additionally, saliva can also be useful to follow lipidemic profiles, since a correlation between levels of total cholesterol and HDL has been demonstrated. Despite the convenient assessment, some characteristics of salivary components also entail some pitfalls that might complicate study design and interpretation of results. To overcome some of these problems, the establishment of standard protocols for collection, analysis and expression of results is a priority.
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