Tanja Tefova
St.â€Kliment Ohridski†University of Bitola, Macedonia
Title: Make smart choice – improving cardiovascular health through healthy nutrition and dietary salt restriction
Biography: Tanja Tefova
Modelling and optimization in nutrition can be applied in many types of food and nutrition research and it is very important in planning meals for groups and individuals. Dietary NaCl restriction is arguably the most frequent self – care behavior recommended to patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Excessive NaCl intake frequently is associated with fluid retention. Observing the status of the patients in Macedonia has shown increasing trend of patients with CVD in recent years. CVD remains the leading cause of death in Macedonia, and the risk factor for atherogenic CVD increases progressively with age. The research is based on public health centres surveying, using standardized survey tools containing nutritional information notes, type and frequency of food utilization and NaCl restriction. The survey is used to capture the restriction of NaCl in both working and non-working days and to monitor and analyze NaCl intake during the treatment. The results from the survey will be entered in a database using Excel software which enables both preliminary and final analysis of the data. The optimization will be made with Simplex method which is one of the top ten methods for optimization. The numeric calculation will be conducted using the Visual Basic program language. The concluding results will be compared with the recommended publications of the World Health Organization. The results will be used to set–up recommendations for future health promotion programs for healthy nutrition.