Marija Ristevska
University of Bitola St „Kliment Ohridskiâ€, Macedonia
Title: Obesity in young age and the benefit of balanced nutrition
Biography: Marija Ristevska
Obesity is known as a chronic disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems. In the recent years, childhood obesity is on the rise. Childhood obesity also takes an emotional tool. Overweight children are frequently teased and excluded from team activities, which can lead to low self-esteem, negative body image, and depression. Research points to high fat diets and lack of exercise are the reasons that more preschoolers are on their way to obesity. There is a greater choice of processed food available in our shops and food outlets, which can contain lots of fat and sugar. Many parents do not guide their children toward healthy eating, because they do not want to prohibit them certain kinds of unhealthy food that their children want. A healthy eating plan limits foods that lead to weight gain. Portion control is an important factor in child care. Educating children and their families should be incorporated in daily curriculum. Potential health problems that are related to the weight, such a diabetes, makes nutrition a major health concern. It is important to regulate the food intake thereby the needs for nutrients required for proper growth and development of children should be satisfied. Exercise for young children means outdoor play typical for a growing child or other kind of regular training that is in the child liking and not a formal exercise program.