Rosida Jakimoska-Jordanoska
St. Clement of Ohrid, University of Bitola, Macedonia
Title: Screening childhood obesity in region of Prilep, Macedonia
Biography: Rosida Jakimoska-Jordanoska
Global computerization in developed, but also in developing countries is a social phenomenon in everyday life which is closely related to nutritional status and health status of children and adolescents. The aim of this article is through the implementation research of population to determine: - Trend of overweight in school children and adolescents for a period of 5 years; - To assess behavioural risk factors for overweight and obesity; - To determine the correlation between diet and physical activity and to develop a mathematical model to evaluate the positive effects of preventive educational activities. The survey was conducted in two stages, for two population groups of school-aged children and adolescents. The first part of the survey conducted anthropometric measurements, functional and biochemical analysis, and also population survey to monitor behavioural risk factors (empirical method). The study is planned to be implemented also examining diet and physical activity among all school-aged children and adolescents with standardized questionnaires (Food Frequency Questionnaire) and the International questionnaire for assessment of physical activity (IPAQ-short version). Systematic reviews are implemented in school children aged 12 to 13 years, as the first group and in adolescents aged 17 to 18 years, the second group of respondents. A total of 400 children aged 12 to 18 years, equal numbers of both sexes and divided into two groups involved in the research. The first group included 200 students aged 12-13 years, and the second group is also 200 students aged 17-18 years. The selection of participants is randomly. The survey is scheduled to take place in the Public Health Care Centre - Prilep, the Department for preventive health care for school children and youth from 6-18 years. According to the processed data, Body Mass Index Percentiles for boys (14-18 years), we received the following results: the males,16-17% are below normal less than the 5th percentile, 61.76% have a healthy weight or 5 percentile of less than 85 percentiles, 14.70% with increased body weight 85 to less than 95 percentiles, and 13.6% were overweight, equal to or greater than 95 percentiles. In women 17.79% below normal less than 5th percentile, 68.71% have a healthy weight or 5 percentile to less than the 85th percentile, 10.42% with increased body weight 85 to less than 95 percentiles, and 3.06% are obese, equal to or greater than 95 percentiles. This research is expected to provide the data that will be used in preventive medicine and nutritional development of educational programs in the domain of public health. and modification of lifestyle among school children of the municipality of Prilep.