Magdalena Damjanovska
First private University FON, Macedonia.
Title: The impact and conestions of some motor abilities on body mass index at the 18 years old students
Biography: Magdalena Damjanovska
For purposes of this study were measured 13 motor tests on a sample of 75 male students of the fourth year of secondary vocational school „Jovan Teslichkov“, Veles, aged 18± 6 months. The aim was whether the predictor system of motor variables have an impact on criterion variable of Body Mass Index (BMI). Regression analysis showed that the tests:„deep forward bend on the bench“(MDFBB), lifting the body from a lying position on the back – „abdominal muscle strength“ (MAMS), lifting the body with face lying down position – „back muscle strength“ (MBMS), „flexed-arm hang on the bar“ (FAHB) and „sprint 9-6-3-6-9 m. with 180˚ turns“, (MS96369), statistically have significant impact on BMI criteria variable. But because besides regular classes this sample of respondents had additional practical classes, which means more physical activity, was interesting this sample to be divided into two subsamples: 57 students who had normal values BMI and 18 students who had higher values BMI (clasification is made according to ITOF - Cole at all, 2007). The results of applied univariate analysis of variance showed that there were statistically significant differences in favor of students who had normal BMI, in the following tests: „strength of abdominal muscles“ (MSAM), „strength of back muscles“ (MSBM), „flexed-arm hang on the bar“ (FAHB), „Illinois test“ (MTILI), „sprint 9-6-3-6-9 test by with 180˚ turns “(MT96369), and test „jumps in 4 squares “(Mj4Sk).