Andrej Simovski
Bitola St„Kliment Ohridskiâ€, Macedonia.
Andrej B. Simovski is born in Skopje, Macedonia. He is Bachelors Degree of Nutrition (expected), Faculty of Technology and Technical Science Veles at the University “St.Clement Ohridski†in Bitola, Macedonia. Language skills: english, macedonian and serbian. Participant at the international projects, working on logistic support at annual conferences, workshops and continual medical education, creating power point presentations/posters at national campaigns, video materials and the website . Also, he was translator of materials and case study, preparing the materials (agenda, sertificates, invitation letters, photocopying), brochures handing, taking part in organizing eco activities, organizing an exhibition and public education counselling as a Secretary of the NGO Public Health National organization for health promotion.