Maja Vanevska
University of Bitola St. „ Kliment Ohridskiâ€, Macedonia
Maja Vanevska, at the age of 39, lives in Skopje, Macedonia. She has finished her elementary education in ,, Goce Delchev ", district Ilinden, and in 1999 year completed secondary medical school for nurse - technician in: DSMU ,, Dr. Jovan Kalauzi "- Bitola, R. Macedonia. She graduated in 2006 in the, Sublime Medical School in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia and gain the title: Specialist Nurse - general direction. Now she is advanced university student of nutrition at the Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences-Veles, Republic of Macedonia. From 2001 - and still - regularly employed as a Charge Nurse in the Department of Education at University Clinic of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolic disorders - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
Abstract : Psychosocial aspects of obesity