Valentina Pavlova
St “Kliment Ohridski†University of Bitola, Macedonia
Associate Prof. Valentina Pavlova is Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) in Chemistry, degree obtained at “Ss. Cyril and Methodius†University, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Institute of Chemistry, Skopje in 2007. She has completed her postdoctoral studies at Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece in 2015. Associate Prof. Pavlova is the author/coauthor of more than 100 articles; participate in 73 diploma works and 10 research projects. She is a Reviewer of four international journals. From May 2013 till today she is a Dean at Faculty of Technology and Technical Science–Veles.
Abstract : Efficacy and safety of herbal medicines in obesity management.