Vera Simovska-Jarevska
University of Bitola St.“Kliment Ohridskiâ€, Macedonia
Vera P. Simovska-Jarevska is Univ. Professor for Nutrition, Dietetics and Sports Medicine (MD., PhD) and Coordinator of Master Study for Nutrition at the University of Bitola. She was an Expert in the Macedonian Ministry of Health, the European Commission (FP7, HORIZON 2020) and a National coordinator in several projects covered by the WHO from 2001 to 2015 (CINDI, Move for Health, HEPA Europe). She has a wide range of professional experiences, obtained in 5 countries. Dr. Simovska’s research is focused on the role of nutrition and physical activity in the NCD prevention, especially obesity and cardiometabolic risk. She is the author of published over 100 original scientific articles, academic books and chapters.