Vesna Antoska Knights
St.â€Kliment Ohridski†University of Bitola, Macedonia
Vesna Antoska Knights is University Professor at Faculty of Technology and Technical Science-Veles at University “St.Clement Ohridskiâ€, Macedonia. Teaching subjects: Mathematic, Mathematic1, Mathematic2, Biostatistics, Modeling and Optimization. Current University senator at University “St.Clement Ohridskiâ€, R.Macedonia. Represented as a Women in Robotics Supporting and Collaboration - International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, InTech, 2014. Participant at following international project: EU FP7 project: Potkonjak V., Principal Leader, Antoska, V., and all., „Embodied Cognition in a Compliantly Engineered Robot“, 2008-20013. (www.eccerobot.org); FOODLINKS (www.foodlinks.eu), 2010-2013; World Bank project FY09 Conditional Cash Transfer project, Simulation Modeling of the Social Protection System in the Republic in Macedonia, 2008. DAAD project: SimLab - Parallel Numerical Simulation. Vesna Antoska Knights, is author and co-author of over 30 published original scientific articles, academic books and chapters.
Abstract : Mathematical modeling and optimisation in nutrition