Aleksandra Leova
St. Kliment of Ohridski†Univeristy of Bitola, Macedonia.
Title: Correlation analysis between nutritional status and some function- biochemical parameters in physical active and sedentary school-aged children in the region of Skopje.
Biography: Aleksandra Leova
Introduction: Maintaining a healthy body weight of the young population of school age is very important, both in their physical and mental development. One of the basic requirements for a good child’s development is regular sports activity, healthy eating and a balanced diet. The role of nutritionist is to improve nutritional health of youth. The main objectives of this study are to examine the effects of sports activity in school-age children of 7-14 years old who participated in sport clubs in addition to the regular school physical and health education process on the body’s composition, some indicators of the nutrition and functional parameters, and to determinate the correlation of the biochemical and functional parameters between two groups of school children (experimental and control groups). Method: In this research there were 70 participants, 35 female and 35 male of school-aged children from several primary schools of the central area of the city of Skopje who practice sport in sport clubs beside the regular physical and health education in their schools, and equal number of school-age children of the same age who don’t practice sport activities. Correlation is made between experimental and control groups on the following parameters: BMIkg/m2, haemoglobin, erythrocytes, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Results: Male school-children with sport’s activity have lower value of BMIkg/m2 and higher value of Hb in comparison with the control group. Conclusion: The health effects of regular sports activity are confirmed by the maintenance of normal nutritional (BMIkg/m2) and haematological status (Hb and Er) of school-aged children.